
What Are The Five Rules In Basketball That You Need To Know?

Basketball is a popular game that is emerging these days in sports. It is a team sport that begins with the matches of the different popular leagues. Check What are the five rules of basketball you need to know?

The sport is receiving recognition these days where various cups are held for the sport. the league is organizing the basketball games.

Check out more details on the game where the details on the five rules of basketball that you should know are now available.

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What are the five rules of basketball you need to know?

1. Only five players per team on the pitch

Each team can develop their game on the field with only five players. The rule is in the various popular and professional Basketball tournaments such as the NBA, NCAA and WNBA.

The team loses possession of the ball if it breaks the main rule. The rule is sometimes broken when substitute players enter the field and others do not leave the field in time.

2. Your score must be higher than the opponent’s

In the scenario where you want to win the game, your score must be higher than the opponent’s goals on the field. There are going to be two or three points that can be worth field goals.

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Three points are with the field goals that are taken from outside the arc. Jump shots, layups, drunks and bunting are worth field goals.

3. The score must be within the shot clock

During possession turnover, the team has a limited time offer in which they can shoot the ball. The time of possession is 24 seconds in tournaments like the NBA and WNBA. However, the time is 30 seconds for NCAA teams. The countdown is displayed on the court by the shot clock that is mounted on the rim on each side.

The opposing team fumbles after the shot clock runs out and becomes the defensive team.

4. Ball advances while dribbling

The ball can only be passed by basketball players when the pass or dribble is in the movement up or down the court. The player must pass the ball or shoot if he stops dribbling and does not resume. The player in offensive position stops and then continues to dribble the ball.

And this dribble happens before passing or shooting, so the referee calls it a “double dribble” and the ball goes to the opposing team.

The ball can only advance by dribbling it. They are traveling if they run while holding the ball./h

5. To serve the ball, the offense has 5 seconds

The opposing team gains possession after the attacker scores a basket. One of the players must serve the ball from a designated spot on the sidelines where they can resume play.

There are 5 seconds with the player where he has been designated for another team. Every time the offensive player is trying to get in, the defender cannot contact the ball or it is a technical foul.

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